Sonntag, 27. Juli 2008

Global tsunami of change - pictures going around the world

Global tsunami of change is written on the backside of my T-shirt and it is exactly the world has a need for.
We have so much problems with wars, instability and terror in the world the people are in big hope for better future, future for us and our kids on this Earth.
The campaign of change with Barack Obama, this is the people were coming to see or because people are member of this global movement of change like me.
So many people are involved or feeling to be involved because campaign of change is unifying.
The sign of campaign of change is rising like sunrise, the people believing in are the power of campaign, Barack Obama the great figure and speaker and are heard all over the world with hope and expectations.

(Take a look into Obama network, maybe there are other comments:
(My personal folder there:
And my son's blog is here:

4 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

I enjoyed your blog very much and you are right. There is a very deep desire around the world for change and it starts with each one of us. Our leader and hopeful next United States President Obama carries a message of unity and hope, that the world needs so desperately. Keep writing. Keep believing. Get your friends involved in this unity. Pray for America. Thank you, Brenda Babjak

Mo's Thoughts hat gesagt…

Hi Steffen,
This is for your son. I couldn't find the link in order to leave a message on his other site, so I will leave the message I wrote to him here. I saw that he responded to me. He doesn't know much English, but I am willing to "teach" him some English while I'm learning German at home. So, whenever I send him a message, I will give him the English translation. I hope this helps him look forward to going to high school. If I'm trying to learn German, he can definitely learn English. Like Obama says, "Yes we can!" (Ja, wir konnen!) I hope he learns English in the near future, and I hope I learn German.

Monique Faison

Guten Tag! (Good day!) Das ist Monique, eine Amerikanerin. (This is Monique, an American woman.) Es ist 2 Uhr morgens. (It is 2 in the morning). Es regnet (auf Tampa, FL). (It's raining in Tampa, FL. ) Wie geht es Ihnen denn? (How are you?) Sprechen Sie Englisch? (Do you speak English?) Ich kann Englisch. (I know English.) Also, ich spreche Spanisch und Franzosisch. (I speak Spanish and French also.) Ich kann nicht so gut Deutsch wie Englisch. (I don't know German as well as English.) Ich bin jetzt nicht in die Uni. (I'm no longer in college (at the university).) Ich lerne Deutsch zu Hause. (I'm learning German at home.) Lernen Sie lesen oder sprechen Englisch? (Are you learning how to read or speak English?)
Wie heiben Sie? (What is your name?) Der blog ist wunderbar! (The blog is wonderful!)

Auf Wiederhoren (Talk to you later),
Monique :o)

Mo's Thoughts hat gesagt…

Deinen Namen? (Your name?)

Meinen Namen? (My name?)

Was schreiben Sie? (What are you writing?)

Ich schreibe ein Brief.
(I'm writing a letter.)

Einen Brief?
(A letter?)

Ja! Yes!

Wer gefraggen Sie schreiben der Brief?
Who asked you to write the letter?

Ihren Vater
Your father (dad)

Wessen Brief ist das?
Whose letter is this?

Der Sohn
the son

Auf wierdenhoren (Talk to you later),
Monique, Amerikanerin (American woman) :o)

Dr. Seidel hat gesagt…

Because I could not get reply will delete this comment: " Robinson Jacuzzi hat gesagt... Buy these T-Shirts @ 31. Juli 2008 00:50" - because this is wrong!
Where could I buy these T-Shirts? In Berlin on July 24. - from Florian "Germans for Obama"